The Differences Between Molluscum Contagiosum and Other Skin Diseases
There are many common skin disorders that affect both children and adults. When individuals discover an odd cluster of lumps or skin discolorations, they often do not know the cause or whether or not it’s serious.
weeSome skin diseases, such as molluscum contagiosum, are simply annoying but aren’t indicative of a critical illness; others can be dangerous to your health and need medical attention. By learning the differences between some of the most common disorders, you can tell when you need to make a call to the doctor:
- Rosacea: If you often have red blotches on your face or small hard lumps, you may have developed rosacea. While both men and women can have this disorder, it’s more common in women in their forties and fifties. The actual cause of rosacea has not been identified yet, but scientists have found that certain triggers like stress or overexposure to the sun can make it worse. Because red skin and bumps are also symptoms of other skin diseases like psoriasis, you will need to see a doctor to get appropriately diagnosed. There’s no cure for rosacea, but some creams, pills, and even acne medicines can potentially improve the skin’s appearance.
- Warts: Children and adults frequently develop warts, little hard bumps that are often found on the fingers or hands. Warts are extremely contagious and are easily spread by skin-to-skin contact or even by sharing items. They are most often found on people who have compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDs. In order to diagnose warts and ensure it isn’t something more serious, most dermatologists will take a biopsy. Warts will eventually clear up, but because they are so contagious, many people speed up the process by having them removed, either by freezing them or through surgical removal.
- Psoriasis: If you start seeing scaly, red, or flaking patches of skin, you may have psoriasis. This is a relatively harmless illness, but it can cause people some discomfort or embarrassment about their appearance. While the cause of this disorder is unknown, common conditions that can cause symptoms to flare up include cold weather or infections. It’s usually diagnosed simply by looking at the affected areas, but in some cases, the doctor may recommend a biopsy to rule out other conditions. Psoriasis is chronic; there is no cure and people will have the disease their entire lives. While nothing will rid the body of the disorder, some creams and ointments can help improve the skin’s appearance.
- Eczema: Eczema is a common skin disease that is frequently confused with other disorders. Its telltale symptoms include very red skin that can be very flaky. Unlike other skin disorders, eczema can make you feel extremely uncomfortable due to itchiness caused by the condition. Usually a biopsy is not needed to get an appropriate diagnosis; it’s typically diagnosed after a short visual exam. No cure has been identified for eczema, but some moisturizers can offer symptom relief.
- Molluscum Contagiosum: Molluscum contagiosum is a skin disease that is extremely common in both children and adults. Extremely contagious, it is spread through physical contact, but can also be spread by sharing common items, such as toys or towels. It causes clusters of lesions to spear on the skin. While they usually don’t hurt, they can be itchy and many people are embarrassed by how the bumps look. Molluscum contagiosum is typically evaluate through a visual exam. While the condition can clear up on its own, the bumps often take as long as one year to go away completely. Many people instead treat the lesions by having them removed either by cutting them away or by freezing them off via cryotherapy. While these methods will eliminate the bumps, they carry the risk of infections or scarring and can only be used on small numbers of lesions. Instead, many doctors recommend using a molluscum treatment like Conzerol®, a topical cream that might help to clear up the bumps without any pain or scarring.* Conzerol® can help your body to fight molluscum contagiosum and prevents the virus from being spread to others.*
Because of how common many skin disorders are, they are frequently confused and mixed up. Many illnesses like molluscum contagiosum are extremely contagious and require quick medical intervention to keep the condition from getting worse or spreading to others. By recognizing these symptoms and seeing a doctor, you can get appropriate medical attention and get back to your routine.